/* global require */
/* global require */
var namespace = require('can-namespace');
var canReflect = require('can-reflect');
var queues = require("can-queues");
var ObservationRecorder = require("can-observation-recorder");
var canSymbol = require("can-symbol");
var dev = require("can-log/dev/dev");
var valueEventBindings = require("can-event-queue/value/value");
var recorderHelpers = require("./recorder-dependency-helpers");
var temporarilyBind = require("./temporarily-bind");
var dispatchSymbol = canSymbol.for("can.dispatch");
var getChangesSymbol = canSymbol.for("can.getChangesDependencyRecord");
var getValueDependenciesSymbol = canSymbol.for("can.getValueDependencies");
function Observation(func, context, options){
this.func = func;
this.context = context;
this.options = options || {priority: 0, isObservable: true};
A flag if we are bound or not
this.bound = false;
These properties will manage what our new and old dependencies are.
this.newDependencies = ObservationRecorder.makeDependenciesRecord();
this.oldDependencies = null;
Make functions we need to pass around and maintain this
var self = this;
this.onDependencyChange = function(newVal){
self.dependencyChange(this, newVal);
this.update = this.update.bind(this);
Add debugging names. !steal-remove-start
this.onDependencyChange[getChangesSymbol] = function getChanges() {
return {
valueDependencies: new Set([self])
Object.defineProperty(this.onDependencyChange, "name", {
value: canReflect.getName(this) + ".onDependencyChange",
Object.defineProperty(this.update, "name", {
value: canReflect.getName(this) + ".update",
Mixin value event bindings. This is where the following are added:
which call onBound
and onUnbound
/ .off
canReflect.assign(Observation.prototype, {
Starts observing changes and adds event listeners.
onBound: function(){
this.bound = true;
Store the old dependencies
this.oldDependencies = this.newDependencies;
Start recording dependencies.
Call the observation’s function and update the new value.
this.value = this.func.call(this.context);
Get the new dependencies.
this.newDependencies = ObservationRecorder.stop();
Diff and update the bindings. On change, everything will call
, which calls this.dependencyChange
This is called when any of the dependencies change.
It queues up an update in the deriveQueue
to be run after all source
observables have had time to notify all observables that “derive” their value.
dependencyChange: function(context, args){
if(this.bound === true) {
Update this observation after all notify
tasks have been run.
priority: this.options.priority
/* jshint laxcomma: true */
, log: [ canReflect.getName(this.update) ]
/* jshint laxcomma: false */
/* jshint laxcomma: true */
, [canReflect.getName(context), "changed"]
/* jshint laxcomma: false */
Called to update its value as part of the derive
update: function() {
if (this.bound === true) {
Keep the old value.
var oldValue = this.value;
this.oldValue = null;
Re-run this.func
and update dependency bindings.
If our value changed, call the dispatch
method provided by can-event-queue/value/value
if (oldValue !== this.value) {
this[dispatchSymbol](this.value, oldValue);
Called when nothing is bound to this observation. Removes all event listeners on all dependency observables.
onUnbound: function(){
this.bound = false;
recorderHelpers.stopObserving(this.newDependencies, this.onDependencyChange);
Setup newDependencies in case someone binds again to this observable.
this.newDependencies = ObservationRecorder.makeDependenciesRecorder();
Reads the value of the observation.
get: function(){
If an external observation is tracking observables and this compute can be listened to by “function” based computes ….
if( this.options.isObservable && ObservationRecorder.isRecording() ) {
… tell the tracking compute to listen to change on this observation.
… if we are not bound, we should bind so that we don’t have to re-read to get the value of this observation.
if (!this.bound) {
if(this.bound === true ) {
It’s possible that a child dependency of this observable might be queued to change. Check all child dependencies and make sure they are up-to-date by possibly running what they have registered in the derive queue.
if(queues.deriveQueue.tasksRemainingCount() > 0) {
return this.value;
} else {
If we are not bound, just call the function.
return this.func.call(this.context);
hasDependencies: function(){
var newDependencies = this.newDependencies;
return this.bound ?
(newDependencies.valueDependencies.size + newDependencies.keyDependencies.size) > 0 :
log: function() {
var quoteString = function quoteString(x) {
return typeof x === "string" ? JSON.stringify(x) : x;
this._log = function(previous, current) {
"\n is ", quoteString(current),
"\n was ", quoteString(previous)
canReflect.assignSymbols(Observation.prototype, {
"can.getValue": Observation.prototype.get,
"can.isValueLike": true,
"can.isMapLike": false,
"can.isListLike": false,
"can.valueHasDependencies": Observation.prototype.hasDependencies,
"can.getValueDependencies": function(){
if (this.bound === true) {
Only provide keyDependencies
and valueDependencies
if there’s actually something there.
var deps = this.newDependencies,
result = {};
if (deps.keyDependencies.size) {
result.keyDependencies = deps.keyDependencies;
if (deps.valueDependencies.size) {
result.valueDependencies = deps.valueDependencies;
return result;
return undefined;
"can.getPriority": function(){
return this.options.priority;
"can.setPriority": function(priority){
this.options.priority = priority;
"can.getName": function() {
return canReflect.getName(this.constructor) + "<" + canReflect.getName(this.func) + ">";
This recursively checks if an observation’s dependencies might be in the derive
If it is, we need to update that value so the reading of this value will be correct.
This can happen if an observation suddenly switches to depending on something that has higher
priority than itself. We need to make sure that value is completely updated.
Observation.updateChildrenAndSelf = function(observation){
If the observable has an update
method and it’s enqueued, flush that task immediately so
the value is right.
NOTE: This only works for
right now. We need a way of knowing how to find what an observable might have in thederiveQueue
if(observation.update !== undefined && queues.deriveQueue.isEnqueued( observation.update ) === true) {
TODO: In the future, we should be able to send log information to explain why this needed to be updated.
return true;
If we can get dependency values from this observable …
if(observation[getValueDependenciesSymbol]) {
… Loop through each dependency and see if any of them (or their children) needed an update.
var childHasChanged = false;
var valueDependencies = observation[getValueDependenciesSymbol]().valueDependencies || [];
if( Observation.updateChildrenAndSelf( observable ) === true) {
childHasChanged = true;
return childHasChanged;
} else {
return false;
var alias = {addAll: "addMany"};
Observation[methodName] = function(){
var name = alias[methodName] ? alias[methodName] : methodName;
console.warn("can-observation: Call "+name+"() on can-observation-recorder.");
return ObservationRecorder[name].apply(this, arguments);
Observation.prototype.start = function(){
console.warn("can-observation: Use .on and .off to bind.");
return this.onBound();
Observation.prototype.stop = function(){
console.warn("can-observation: Use .on and .off to bind.");
return this.onUnbound();
Will bind an observable value temporarily. This should be part of queues probably.
Observation.temporarilyBind = temporarilyBind;
module.exports = namespace.Observation = Observation;